"You are guilty of no evil... except a little fearfulness. For that, the journey you go on is your pain, and perhaps your cure: for you must be either mad or brave before it is ended." ~C. S. Lewis "Out of the Silent Planet"

Saturday, March 29, 2008

While the boats raced on the river and decongestants went awry

Why I love Oxford:
  • Warm Cappuccino in a cozy cafe
  • Steak Pasties (I'm totally addicted...)
  • The gentle, warming sunlight after the rain
  • Reading for hours on end at Blackwell's
  • Walking along the river
  • Seeing Hogwarts everywhere I go
  • Discovering new streets and nooks and pubs and cafes
  • Drinking Pimm's and lemonade
  • Walking around the quad of Keble College

Things I learned from my day in town:
  • That cute little umbrella you snagged for $5 at TJMaxx isn't quite so trendy when it's blowing inside out. multiple times. (however, the practical, wind resistant, black one you bought at Boswell's for 15 quid is only marginally better against a gale...)
  • Apparently there is an open air market in town on Fridays
  • When walking through the crowded street, be less concerned about staying dry, and more concerned about not getting your eyes gouged amidst the sea of umbrellas
  • Everything closes earlier here. If you were planning to stay at Blackwell's and read until dinner time, you will be disappointed. Dinner's at 7pm (or I should say 19:00), but most stores in the city close at 6pm
  • Don't go to the top floor of Blackwell's if you like old books or they'll positively jump into your hands and refuse to be reshelved (you're better off going to the antique and rare books section on the next floor down, because you can't afford them anyway)
  • Postage is expensive (I paid 7 pounds for 8 stamps... I'm trying to avoid doing the math on that one... ouch)
  • That creepy little street beyond the Bridge of Sighs and the Turf Tavern, is actually a short cut to High Street 

The past two days have been spent in a frenzy of reading, but I've managed to do this reading in some awesome places, so it's been wonderful. Last night was our first meal in the Keble College Dining Hall, which is pretty surreal and amazing. I intend to take some pictures very soon (although I'm a little embarrassed to do it... I know the full-time students will probably scoff at me for it). The food is decent, not great, but not bad either. Brunch today was really good (a  proper English breakfast including eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, baked beans, cereal, pastries, yogurt, fruit, juice, and hot drinks. Apparently the usual hot beverage dispenser isn't working however, and I got yelled at for trying to use it. It was rather amusing how many of us did "stupid" things and were very harshly rebuked for it (I think they staff was stressed today cause there's a wedding in the Keble Chapel and they're probably responsible for the reception). Anyway, I can't wait until the term starts back and the place is full of students. We get to go to high table and we've even got our own robes to wear (Harry Potter! EEK)!

Today I broke down and went to rent a bike. I love walking, but I'm realizing that it's a lot more convenient to have a bike for class and some of these errands that I have to go into city centre or summertown for. The 25 minutes you save on your bike are 25 minutes for extra reading. However, I can tell it's going to take me a little while to get used to riding around here. I haven't really ridden in a while, and never on the left side of the road with huge buses right next to me (don't worry Mom, I bought a helmet!), but I'll get the hang of it, and there's a few other people with bikes, so I won't venture out alone on it until I'm more confident. Now is the time to gain that confidence before the students some back for the Trinity term. I hear this place will be swarming with bikes when they arrive.

The two things I haven't yet done that I'm still dying to do are studying in the Bodleian, and going to the Eagle and Child, but I hope to remedy that in the next couple weeks. I've stepped inside both, but not gotten the chance to actually experience them yet.

In other news: Congratulations Oxford on winning the boat race today against "the other place" (Cambridge)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's 3 out of the last 4 years! Woot!


Vicki said...

Glad to hear about the bike (and the helmet).

Anonymous said...

You got your robe and your bike--sounds like you will soon be a native! :-)

Trey said...

Sounds great, including the old books.

I'm thinking about quitting school and coming to live as a squatter on the Oxford campus. Think you could sneak me some food every couple of days?

Carol Mannheim said...

Heather glad you are having a great time and have discovered the joys of Pimms and Lemonade. It is addictive, though. Tell Trey he could try busking on his bagpipes for food money. Can you believe it has been snowing? Brrr.