Last week was officially one of the craziest weeks of my life. We'll start from Wednesday night:
So, Wednesday, after you last heard from me, I basically skulked around all night feeling miserable and decided to blow off the Modern Irish Paper (we get 3 weeks off with the paper writing, so it was no big deal), watched a movie and went to bed. Thursday morning, which was May Day (the first of the month is apparently a big deal here) was quite a festive occasion. I arose at 4 in the morning to make my way up High street with Catherine and Kristin. We stood under the Magdalen bell tower with about a thousand other people (all of whom seemed to be either students who'd been out drinking all night, or 100% sober tourists like us) to hear the Choir sing as the sun rose. It was a bit anti-climatic, as we could hardly hear the choir over the drunken chanting that simultaneously arose, but it was worth the experience nonetheless. (I was having a Lewis nerd moment because it reminded me of Shadowlands)
As the crowds dispersed from Magdalen, we sought out some breakfast and found ourselves enjoying pancakes at the St. Aldates Tavern. When our plates were clean and glasses drained, we ventured out into the crowded streets once more, making out way through morris dancing, and people dressed like trees to Keble, where we listened to their (or I should say our) choir sing a service from the chapel roof, before enjoying a second breakfast (it's not just for Hobbits anymore...). The rest of the day was pretty quiet for me, but it's safe to say that the celebration was still going in the pubs around town all day long.
Now, we'll fast forward through the mists of my cold-ridden memory to saturday, the night of the Keble Ball.
Saturday was consumed by shopping, cold medicine, and preparations for the night to come. At about 8:30 we all set out towards Keble, fully decked out and ready for we didn't know exactly what. After several minutes in line outside (in which I got to talk to my big bro on the phone. Did you know that he just graduated?!), we made it in and got a glass of champagne, which I imagine was strategically placed to calm us down before we were totally overwhelmed by the magnitude of the thing. There were tons of stands everywhere with champagne, beer, pimms and lemonade and various other drinks, stir fry, hot dogs, donuts, etc. Under a huge tent in the middle was a dance floor with live music. There was also a casino, sumo wrestling, a moon walk, gladiator fighting, the pub was decked out as a bar, which also had a dance floor, there were touch up stations for hair and makeup, kung foo demos as well as other things that I was probably completely unaware of (I heard rumors of free massages and the like). Basically, it was crazy huge and I suffered from severe brain-overload when we first got there.
We did, however, recover from the shock and all generally had a really great time. I am proud to say that I made it all the way until the survivors picture at 4am. Although I'm not sure if I was actually in the picture or not. I didn't realize that everyone was gathering under a particular window to have their picture taken, I just started following the crowd, so if I am in the picture, I'm probably looking confused, and definitely not looking up at the camera.
I think my favorite point in the night was when the band played Sweet Home Alabama. All of us American kids rushed the stage and went crazy. There was much dancing, singing and arm-pumping, accompanied by Jeremiah's shouting of "Representing the American South!!!!" which caused a few of us to cover our faces in slight shame. ;)
Overall, it was a great time. The low point was definitely when I arrived home at 4:30 to find everyone in my room huddled around my roommate Katie. She and Emily had left me and some others on the dance floor to go home, but had apparently decided to have one more go at the Sumo Wrestling. This ended up being a slight mistake, as it left Katie with a minor concussion. Thus, we stayed up pretty much the rest of the night to make sure she was ok. And she is, thank God, although she's still pretty exhausted and a little woozy.
Needless to say, yesterday was a rather quiet day around the UGA house, and Keble as well. Every face I encountered had a similar haggard, yet content look about it. I spent the day resting and reading Ruth, praying through the Valley of Vision, going to Chapel and contemplating the six weeks I have left here. I've been praying that God will use me in these weeks, that I will not squander this time.
Speaking of which, I must now turn away from such pleasant remembrances and face the work of the week ahead. I have a date with Mr. Geoffrey Chaucer this afternoon, and he makes no promises to have me home by 10pm...
Love to all!
Christlikeness from "The Valley of Vision"
"Dawn returns, but without thy light within no outward light can profit;
Give me the saving lamp of thy Spirit that I may see thee,
the God of my salvation, the delight of my soul, rejoicing over me in love.
I commend my heart to thy watchful care,
for I know its treachery and power;
Guard its every portal from the wily enemy,
Give me quick discernment of his deadly arts,
Help me to recognize his bold disguise as an angel of light,
and bid him begone.
May my words and works allure others to the highest walks of faith and love!
May loiterers be quickened to greater diligence by my example!
May worldlings be won to delight in acquaintance with thee!
May the timid and irresolute be warned of coming doom by my zeal for Jesus!
Cause me to be a mirror of thy grace,
to show others the joy of thy service,
May my lips be well-tuned cymbals
sounding thy praise,
Let a halo of heavenly-mindedness
sparkle around me
and a lamp of kindness sunbeam my path.
Teach me the happy art of attending to things temporal
with a mind intent on things eternal.
Send me forth to have compassion on the ignorant and miserable.
Help me to walk as Jesus walked,
my only Saviour and perfect model,
his mind my inward guest,
his meekness my covering garb.
Let my happy place be amongst the poor in spirit,
my delight the gentle ranks of the meek,
Let me always esteem others better than myself,
and find true humility
an heirdom to two worlds."
1 comment:
Sweet Home Alabama!!! WooHoo!!
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